Stress is the number one cause for ailments caused in modern urban life. The very hectic pace of life, lack of sleep, job stress and a million other things contribute to a deteriorating human body and mind. There is no time for one to even look after oneself. Most People spend their time either at work, travelling to and fro from work, leaving little time and space for family and recreation. According to ancient Indian scriptures, if one's family life is happy, then life itself takes shape for positive things. If you are stressed from work, it invariably leads to harm to not only your body and mind, but also to your family, as they are the ones who most often bare the brunt of suppressed frustrations on the outside world. Plus, it is now proven scientifically that any sort of mental stress, invariably manifests in the form of physical or mental disease.
Yoga deletes stress from its very roots, where is exists on the deeper and subtler levels of consciousness, most often without us even realizing that its happening. So, if you can find a good way to deal with stress, you will solve alot of problems in your life. Just a workout is not enough. It only fatigues the body, and gives an illusion of relaxation. One has to target the source. It's not like if you will do yoga, you won't get stress. Stress is an integral part of life, and it exists for everyone. What makes a difference, is how you deal with it. And yoga will definitely help with that. So here it is. A simple practice that can be done by all. Do not underestimate is potency due to its simple nature. Those who stick to it, will realize its power and potency.
Perform Every Day or Every work day as prescribed below, morning and evening. It is divided into two halves, Morning and Evening. KEEP PHONE ON OFF OR SILENT. For this short period, you must not get up, unless there is a life and death situation or impending emergency. Ask you loved ones, room mates etc. not to disturb you in this period.
Om Chanting (5mins): Benifits: Calmness, Peace, Focus. Chanting Om secretes Alpha waves in the brain, causing relaxation and rejuvenation. It is also my observation that whenever i chant at the start of the day, some how my day is better, smoother and has less of obstacles
How to perform
Sit comfortably and chant Om for 5 minutes with eyes closed, remaining still and awareness on sound or on the eyebrow center This is known as Practice of Japa. More details on how to perform Japa:
Evening: This should be ideally done as soon as one returns from work. It will neutralize most of the days stress.
1) Shavasana: 5-10 mintues
Benifits: Full body relaxation. Rejuvenation, revitalization of physical, mental, emotional and energy bodies. Enormously beneficial for the spine, especially those with lower back problems.
How to perform: Lie down on the floor, using a yoga mat/cloth/mattress etc. Spine in one line. Feet and hands comfortably parted. Palms facing upwards and the body loose and relaxed. Close your eyes for the whole duration and remain perfectly still. The word "Shavasana", is derived from the sanskrit word "Shava" which means Dead Body or Corpse, so you have to remain still like one.
Free online Guided meditation you can use:
You may put on some calming music if you want OR just observe the breath. Don't worry about the wandering mind. each time you realize its wandering, just come back to what you or doing or just return to your breath.
2) Om Chanting (5mins)
(same as above)
For more details or guidance, you can email me on:
NOTE: Please perform everyday as prescribed
Hari Om Tat Sat!
Yoga deletes stress from its very roots, where is exists on the deeper and subtler levels of consciousness, most often without us even realizing that its happening. So, if you can find a good way to deal with stress, you will solve alot of problems in your life. Just a workout is not enough. It only fatigues the body, and gives an illusion of relaxation. One has to target the source. It's not like if you will do yoga, you won't get stress. Stress is an integral part of life, and it exists for everyone. What makes a difference, is how you deal with it. And yoga will definitely help with that. So here it is. A simple practice that can be done by all. Do not underestimate is potency due to its simple nature. Those who stick to it, will realize its power and potency.
Perform Every Day or Every work day as prescribed below, morning and evening. It is divided into two halves, Morning and Evening. KEEP PHONE ON OFF OR SILENT. For this short period, you must not get up, unless there is a life and death situation or impending emergency. Ask you loved ones, room mates etc. not to disturb you in this period.
Om Chanting (5mins): Benifits: Calmness, Peace, Focus. Chanting Om secretes Alpha waves in the brain, causing relaxation and rejuvenation. It is also my observation that whenever i chant at the start of the day, some how my day is better, smoother and has less of obstacles
How to perform
Sit comfortably and chant Om for 5 minutes with eyes closed, remaining still and awareness on sound or on the eyebrow center This is known as Practice of Japa. More details on how to perform Japa:
Evening: This should be ideally done as soon as one returns from work. It will neutralize most of the days stress.
1) Shavasana: 5-10 mintues
Benifits: Full body relaxation. Rejuvenation, revitalization of physical, mental, emotional and energy bodies. Enormously beneficial for the spine, especially those with lower back problems.
How to perform: Lie down on the floor, using a yoga mat/cloth/mattress etc. Spine in one line. Feet and hands comfortably parted. Palms facing upwards and the body loose and relaxed. Close your eyes for the whole duration and remain perfectly still. The word "Shavasana", is derived from the sanskrit word "Shava" which means Dead Body or Corpse, so you have to remain still like one.
Free online Guided meditation you can use:
You may put on some calming music if you want OR just observe the breath. Don't worry about the wandering mind. each time you realize its wandering, just come back to what you or doing or just return to your breath.
2) Om Chanting (5mins)
(same as above)
For more details or guidance, you can email me on:
NOTE: Please perform everyday as prescribed
Hari Om Tat Sat!
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