1. Pranamasana / Prayer Pose
Hindi: “Om Mitraya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the friend of all.”
English: “Salutations to the friend of all.”
2. Hasta Utthanasana / Raised Arms Pose
Hindi: “Om Ravaye Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the shining one.”
English: “Salutations to the shining one.”
3. Padahastasana / Hand to Foot Pose
Hindi: “Om Suryaya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to he who induces activity.”
English: “Salutations to he who induces activity.”
4. Ashwa Sanchalasana / Horse riding pose
Hindi: “Om Bhanave Namaha”
English: “Salutations to he who illumines.”
English: “Salutations to he who illumines.”
5. Parvatsana / Mountain Pose
Hindi: “Om Khagaya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to he who moves quickly in the sky.”
English: “Salutations to he who moves quickly in the sky.”
6. Ashtanga Namaskara / Salute with Eight Points
Hindi: “Om Punshne Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the giver of strength.”
English: “Salutations to the giver of strength.”
7. Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose
Hindi: “Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the golden, cosmic self.”
English: “Salutations to the golden, cosmic self.”
8. Parvatsana / Mountain Pose
Hindi: “Om Marichaye Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the Lord of the Dawn.”
English: “Salutations to the Lord of the Dawn.”
9. Ashwa Sanchalasana / Horse Riding Pose
Hindi: “Om Adityaya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the son of Aditi, the cosmic Mother.”
English: “Salutations to the son of Aditi, the cosmic Mother.”
10. Padahastasana / Hand to Foot Pose
Hindi: “Om Savitre Namaha”
English: “Salutations to the Lord of Creation.”
English: “Salutations to the Lord of Creation.”
11. Hasta Utthanasana / Raised Arms Pose
Hindi: “Om Arkaya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to he who is fit to be praised.”
English: “Salutations to he who is fit to be praised.”
12. Pranamasana / Prayer Pose
Hindi: “Om Bhaskaraya Namaha”
English: “Salutations to he who leads to enlightenment.”
English: “Salutations to he who leads to enlightenment.”
Yoga reference for Surya Namaskar Mantras in English and Hindi:
1. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha; Swami Satyananda Saraswati ; Yoga Publications Trust Munger, Bihar, India; First edition 1969; Quoted edition for this article 2008.
1. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha; Swami Satyananda Saraswati ; Yoga Publications Trust Munger, Bihar, India; First edition 1969; Quoted edition for this article 2008.
2. Satyananda Yoga – Bihar Yoga; Bihar School of Yoga and Sivananda Ashram
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